What You Will Learn With Me – Intermediate Level

At the intermediate level we will become more involved in further development of reading skills, rhythm and timing, keeping steady tempos, and continuing to enhance your focus and self discipline levels. You will be gaining harmonic knowledge, and start building technical skills and endurance. You will increase your awareness in problem solving and how to…

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What You Will Learn With Me – Beginner Level

“What Will You Learn With Me?” is a fair and intelligent question. As an instructor I will do my very best in advising on musical purchases so hard earned money is not wasted. I will only ask you to buy material that is necessary for the learning, but will also take into consideration the desires…

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What Instructors Expect Of Students

Many times people ask before lessons begin just what is expected of students. All instructors respond with the same answer. We expect that the student honor their commitment to us and themselves and do the assigned work, yes music is work, given at the lesson.

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What You Can Expect As A New Student

A mistake many new students make is thinking that they will be playing their favorite songs on the very first lesson or shortly thereafter. I hear this all the time. Remember when you first learned to throw a ball and how much effort it took to become accurate and always hit the target? It took…

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How to Choose a Musical Instructor

Choosing an instructor to teach you a musical instrument seems pretty straight forward. Well, maybe not. I have students right now who’s first encounter was with someone who had limited instruction themselves but thought they knew how to teach, or the guy down the street who is in a band and never took a lesson.…

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Mistakes Made Before Seeking Musical Instruction

So many people believe the first thing they should do is purchase an instrument before speaking to an instructor. This is the wrong decision and I’ve see it made more times than you could possibly imagine. Yes, you need an instrument, but instruments need to accommodate the physical size of the individual, and be in…

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